January 7, 2011

World of Farmcraft

Just a quicky sketch today.  I have had 2 video game obsessions in the past couple years, those obessessions being "World of Warcraft" and... Farmville.   Yes, I play Farmville.  A lot.  I would play more WoW, but my computer is getting old, and the gameplay is almost unbearable.  So WoW is on hold.  Which kinda sucks, cuz I really wanna get into Cata, but... can't stand the low frame rate and rendering.  Which sucks, cuz my computer was awesome once.  Come to think of it there was a stretch of Peggle for a while, should of worked that in.  Oh well.

So I thought it'd be interesting to see my level 80 (again, haven't played Cata yet) troll rogue go aggro on some crops, and that's where this idea came from.  And the idea is pretty much what i quickly sketched above.  This is about how detailed I get with sketches before doing a fully detailed piece.  I could see this becoming a painting, but I think I'll keep it digital if I ever attempt a serious take at this.  It's almost like a selfless-portrait.

For those keeping count, I didn't post anything on here yesterday.  This wasn't due to lack of drawing, I actually drew a LOT yesterday.  Just ALL of it was for a project that might see publication!  And although I haven't signed any NDAs for the project yet, it's wrong to post that stuff before it's released or I'm off the project.  But I'm very excited by a lot of it.  So yes, no post.  But still being drawsy!

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