January 3, 2011

Georgia O'Keefe I ain't...

Sorry for the poor scan quality on this, I was shading very lightly, as these are predominantly white flowers (I wanna say they're orchids?)

Anywho, I have a bad habit of not saying "No" when people ask me to draw something for them.  Instead of saying "sure" I should say "How much?"  That might be good.  Anywho, this is a work in progress (or "WIP" as we call it in the art world) for a co-worker.  She showed me a picture of these orchids? and said "Can you draw that and add the date of my wedding to it?"  And that was it.   A side note, if you ask somebody to make artwork for you... provide LOTS of information.  Never ask a guy to draw you something and they say "Do whatever you want."  I ain't Georgia O'Keefe, I don't usually do flowers.  Tell me how big you want it, how you want colored.  Do you want it realistic?  Do you want it cartoony?  What do YOU want for YOUR art.

Anywho, that's not what she did, there was a lot of "Whatever you want to do".  I want to sit on the couch, snuggle with honey and watch a zombie movie.  That's what I want to do.  I don't want to draw flowers.  But, I shall continue to work on this, I think I will go more stylized and cartoony/comic-book'ish as I continue to work on it.  And when I deliver the final product and she looks at it weird... and then says "That's not what I wanted"... I'll say "Hey, that's what I wanted to do, and you said whatever I want."

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