April 25, 2011

APE-ril: King Kong

Can't do an entire month of monkey/ape drawings... and leave out this guy!  King Kong!  Quite possibly one of the most famous apes ever....  and again an interesting challenge to draw...

I started more traditionally with him atop the Empire State Building, and was gonna be kinda cute about it and have him puckering up for a kiss from the blonde lady, but it was just looking weird.  I also didn't want to mess up the Empire State Building, and then the drawing was becoming more and more about the building instead of the ape, which is what this month's challenge is all about.  So I took them out of New York, and back to Skull Island, for a romantic, "Sixteen Candles"'esque  moment with King Kong and the blonde...  It might be cheesy, but it's nowhere near as bad as the ice-skating portion from the Peter Jackson film... am I right?

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