October 31, 2014
#inktober - Days 29-31
It's been a fun #inktober. I got a little scared in the middle that I might come up short, but I came through at the zero-hour (That's my life's story, really).
These 3 were mostly done by PITT makers again. Those were awesome to use. Wish I had done more brush and ink ones... but I was too far behind to command a brush with optimal results. Really wanted to try some washes with the ink, but again... time is a harsh mistress. NEXT YEAR!
I normally spend my Novembers working on the 30 Characters Challenge. But I've decided I'm gonna take a pass on that this year. There are other things that my artistic talents need to be working on, and... that's where I'm gonna take my talents. I want to be an artist for a living, I don't want to be part-time artist, full-time retail slave. I don't want full-time artist, part-time retail. I want to be an artist. NO RETAIL! Christmas in retail KILLS THE SOUL, and I've been doing it for almost HALF MY LIFE!!! So as fun as that challenge is (and it is!), I need to focus on a couple other things that can lead to the life I want to live... Not that the 30 Characters Challenge doesn't lead to better things... just the other areas I plan to focus my energies are a more direct path.
More news when that comes to fruition. Hopefully this doesn't lead to a multi-month absence from the blog, cuz I love posting here. But some of the projects aren't for public display (yet!). But hopefully I can get some doodles, sketches, side art up. Cheers!
October 29, 2014
#inktober - Days 25-28
So these were all drawn on the 28th... but... they were posted the 29th... So I'm still down by one. And have til Friday to finish the last 3. I think it'll be done. Again, mostly done with PITT... didn't get to experiment too much. Though the Maleficent uses the White Sharpie Paint Marker, and regular Sharpie for the eyes. The Freddy Krueger is a bit of a disappointment.
The animals turned out pretty cool though. More to come!
October 27, 2014
#inktober - Days 22-24
3 more drawings, still down by 3. Tomorrow (Tuesday) is my last/only day off before the end of October, so hopefully I can get caught up/ahead with this challenge... maybe. Actually, it should be more than do-able.
This round again done with the PITT brush markers. I love them. Tomorrow I'll experiment some more with some of the other options at my disposal. And maybe buy more things (unlikely).
DC Comics,
Edgar Wright,
Harley Quinn,
india ink,
shaun of the dead,
simon pegg,
October 25, 2014
#inktober - Days 20 & 21
2 more today... and it's EARLY today... so maybe more will be posted later? Maybe...
Switched back to the PITT pens for these today... I think they're my favorite, cuz they give that brush quality with the control of a marker... Try them!
October 24, 2014
#inktober - Days 18 & 19
Still behind... but getting there. On my next "Day Off" I'm just gonna plow through the rest of the drawings (and maybe even get ahead!)
Anyway, Jack and Hellboy here were done with a brush, and the "better" india ink. I definitely had a better experience with this ink than the first batch of ink. So, I think I'll revisit it during this challenge. Now should I invest in a better brush?
Hellboy was a kind of "peer pressure" entry. A lot of my fellow artist friends had picked Hellboy as a choice for #inktober. So I opted to do one too. I thought I'd try to mimic the "Mignola-style". I don't think I lived up to the master... but it was fun to do anyway.
india ink,
Jack Skellington,
October 21, 2014
#inktober - Days 14-17
Playing some catch-up today. 4 new entries, puts me at presently down by 4. I'm pretty sure I'll make it to 31 on/before the 31st. Though I think, I might cancel the 30 Characters Challenge in November this year. We shall see.
These entries show another media swap-up. I hit up the art supply store this morning and picked up two different sizes of Faber-Castell PITT Artists Brush Pens. It still uses india ink, but it handles a bit more like a marker... so there's some more control, and less bleeding. I also bought some better india ink, cuz the stuff I bought earlier this month I feel is not as opaque as it could be... and while that has some advantages, it isn't what I wanted it to be. So I'll experiment with that later. I also bought a Sharpie Water-Based White Marker, which I thought I would experiemnt with, but haven't really got the results I was hoping for... again having to do with opaque-ness. I've had better luck with White-Out in the past (and it was cheaper).
October 19, 2014
#inktober - Days 12 and 13
Today is the 19th, and I'm on #inktober drawing 13.... That's no bueno. What's with the lagging? Actually most of it comes with me trying to bust out a fairly impressive commission. Which I just finished... I'll probably post it here. But the point is, I now have a little more "free time" (what's that?) to DRAW! So hopefully I can catch up before Ol' Hallow's Eve.
The drawings above of Hagrid and Joker are mixed-media ink. A combination of a pen, and brush work. I'm beginning to enjoy some of the spontaneity of the brush. A lot of my "normal work" has become a bit too smooth with the computer ironing out some of my idiosyncrasies, and polishing them. So it's kinda fun to dip the brush and deal with whatever it gives me once it touches the drawing surface. I really seem to like it for hair. *shrug*
October 12, 2014
#inktober - Days 8-11... ZOMBIES!!!
Once again, found myself falling behind in this challenge. To be fair though, I've been working on a pretty awesome comission (which may be posted later), and have had little time to squeeze in any other artwork Anyway, this brings me up to... negative 1. So, that's better than the negative 5 when I woke up this morning.
Anyway, I wanted to see the premiere of 'The Walking Dead' tonight, but felt guilty about not keeping up with this challenge... so... yeah, decided to combine the two... draw zombies while watching the walking dead. This is what came out of it. Again, mostly india ink and brush... though I added some details with a pen. So mixed media ink?
October 7, 2014
#inktober - Days 3-7... kinda... (aka, 'Fun with Brushes')
Okay, so... I fell behind a bit on the challenge. Part of this was "Artist's Block". The other part was I really wanted to try this challenge with a brush... And I had to go out and buy some ink and brushes. I felt like I was kinda cheating using a pen... though there are no actual rules per se, other than "draw in ink". But I wanted to go old school, with brushes and ink. The above 5 (which put me back on track with the challenge) are done with brushes. It was fun... there were some hurdles, and I could have been using better paper... but all and all, I live, I learn.
October 2, 2014
#inktober - Day 2
#inktober... Day 2! So far, so good. Still using a pen. Still need to play with a brush and ink. Coming soon!
October 1, 2014
Damn, I really need to update this thing more often. I also need to branch out into other social media. But that will come later... what I really need to do, is increase artistic output! And I've found the best way for me to do that is.... ARTISTIC CHALLENGES! Like the '30 Characters Challenge' I do in November, or "Ape-ril". Well, this year, I'm taking up #inktober.
What is #inktober you ask? Well, you can find out by asking Jake Parker. In short, back in 2009, Jake Parker decided he needed to work on his inking skills, so he challenged himself to do a drawing a day, in ink. Other artists decided to take up the challenge, as well, and it's continued to grow with each passing year, with more artists taking up the challenge.
This year, I'm giving it a shot! The above is a quick doodle I did with a dying micron pen. I think I might pick up some brushes and India ink after pay day, and experiment a bit. It'll be a nice break from all the "digital" inking I normally do. And again, it'll increase artistic output. Which is what I need. MORE ART!!!
June 3, 2014
Free Comic-Book Day Drawings...
Free Comic Book Day was back on May 3rd. And here's a bunch of artwork I did that day (or... week...). I had wanted to do SOMETHING for FCBD, but I couldn't figure out what. My local comic shops already booked their resident artists, and I'm not popular enough to be "requested" by an out-of-town shop, so... I was like "What should I do?"
I decided I'd open myself up to some free comissions from my Facebook friends. I posted a status, that said if they LIKED or COMMENTED on the status, I'd do them up a drawing. Originally I was planning on keeping it quick and simple like a Con sketch, or if I had landed a comic-book store post for the day. But, as i started doing them, I decided to fall more and more on my traditional style of coloring and what-not in Photoshop. I still tried to keep the actual drawings themselves quick and free flowing... but... yeah, didn't quite happen on all of them.
Some of them turned out really well, others... not so much. My idea was to do it as a "test run" for if I got an Artist Alley table at SDCC this year (Update: I did NOT get a table). TO see how quickly I could draw "on demand". I learned a ton going through the process... and even surprised myself a couple times. So despite some major flaws on some of them, the things I learned will be of great help!
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