October 31, 2014

#inktober - Days 29-31


It's been a fun #inktober.  I got a little scared in the middle that I might come up short, but I came through at the zero-hour (That's my life's story, really).

These 3 were mostly done by PITT makers again.  Those were awesome to use.  Wish I had done more brush and ink ones... but I was too far behind to command a brush with optimal results.  Really wanted to try some washes with the ink, but again... time is a harsh mistress.  NEXT YEAR!

I normally spend my Novembers working on the 30 Characters Challenge.  But I've decided I'm gonna take a pass on that this year.  There are other things that my artistic talents need to be working on, and... that's where I'm gonna take my talents.  I want to be an artist for a living, I don't want to be part-time artist, full-time retail slave.  I don't want full-time artist, part-time retail.  I want to be an artist.  NO RETAIL!  Christmas in retail KILLS THE SOUL, and I've been doing it for almost HALF MY LIFE!!! So as fun as that challenge is (and it is!), I need to focus on a couple other things that can lead to the life I want to live... Not that the 30 Characters Challenge doesn't lead to better things... just the other areas I plan to focus my energies are a more direct path.

More news when that comes to fruition.  Hopefully this doesn't lead to a multi-month absence from the blog, cuz I love posting here.  But some of the projects aren't for public display (yet!).  But hopefully I can get some doodles, sketches, side art up.  Cheers!

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