October 19, 2014

#inktober - Days 12 and 13

Today is the 19th, and I'm on #inktober drawing 13....   That's no bueno.   What's with the lagging?  Actually most of it comes with me trying to bust out a fairly impressive commission.  Which I just finished... I'll probably post it here.  But the point is, I now have a little more "free time" (what's that?) to DRAW!  So hopefully I can catch up before Ol' Hallow's Eve.

The drawings above of Hagrid and Joker are mixed-media ink.  A combination of a pen, and brush work.  I'm beginning to enjoy some of the spontaneity of the brush.  A lot of my "normal work" has become a bit too smooth with the computer ironing out some of my idiosyncrasies, and polishing them.  So it's kinda fun to dip the brush and deal with whatever it gives me once it touches the drawing surface.  I really seem to like it for hair.  *shrug*

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