November 8, 2011

30 Characters in 30 Days... MEGA POST!

It's been a while since I've posted on this blog... little bit of artist's block, combined with "day job" energy drain, equals... less drawing.   AND I HATE THAT!   But, I haven't been NOT drawing per se...  Infact... I recently began the 30 Characters Challenge!

 The 30 Characters challenge, is a bunch of creative types, artists, writers, etc.  To create 30 characters in 30 Days.  Nov. 1-30.  So... A character each day... there's no real prize, or penalty if you fail.  But it's just good artistic muscle exercise.  So far I've been able to keep up.  I told myself I'd post one character a day before midnight (in my time zone), and so far I've done that...   I plan to post them all on here (prolly in batches of 2-3 or so at a time).  But today, you get seven!  If you want to follow them on the actual 30 Characters site, you can find all my entries right here.  Or just come back here, where they will be re-posted.  However, to drive business/traffic to the 30 Characters, I'm only gonna post the name of the character and the picture here... if you want to read about them... read them at the 30 Characters site.  :D

#1 - Bob the Bowling Pin

#2 - Braaains

#3 - Chiang

#4 - Blarglflarp

#5 - Tigraax

#6 - Killjoy

#7 - Tiffany

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