October 25, 2013

The 2nd Greatest Fictional Butler...

Alfred is by far the best fictional butler... but Lurch is pretty damn awesome too!  He's creepy, and cooky.  He's a silent and reserved man...  and in the case of the old black and white TV show, not only was he the butler, he was also Thing.  That's right, his hand was... the hand.  But seriously, picture the famous Ted Cassidy, who stood monstrously high, hiding under tables and things to appear as but a hand...  hehe...

Anyway, I've had an inkling to do my own "spin" on the Addams Family.  This is the first attempt, and I experimented with a different way to "ink" my drawings...  The pencil sketch for this was very very lose (looser than I typically do).  I then scanned it and used the "pen" tool in Photoshop.  Once I got the hang of it, it was pretty neat.  It allows for consistent line weight, which is an issue I had with my previous methods for digital inking.  Though this method is a bit more time consuming than a previous method I've been rocking of late.  But it allows for more control and refinement.  I guess it just depends on what I want out of my images...

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