December 1, 2015
Etsy Store... NOW OPEN!!! (finally!) - FREE SHIPPING until 2016!
I should have set this up sooner... like... a year (or more) ago... but, I'M FINALLY SHOP-ABLE ONLINE! I've opened up an Etsy store! At the moment, the only thing on it is ALL my prints that you can buy from me at a convention appearance. Which is great, because... I've yet to do a convention outside of California, which deprives people of 49 other states! For the time being, I'm only shipping to the United States (soon, THE WORLD!). I'm also offering FREE SHIPPING until 2016! Which should help with your winter holiday shopping budget!
In addition to prints, I hope to offer original art on there, as well as comic sketch covers, maybe take commissions through it. And of course open up shipping to the world!
You can check out my Etsy store, right here:
November 15, 2015
Commissions from San Diego Comic-Con

Okay, I know this post is LATE... but I've been busy. Anyway, above is a bunch (but not all) of the artwork I did from my Artists Alley table at San Diego Comic-Con 2015! It was so awesome to have a table there, I look forward to doing it again, if the Comic-Con Gods see fit to bring me back!
Sadly, I did not taking any pictures of the commissions I did from So Cal Comic Con in October. I don't know why. But if any of you reading this, got artwork from me from that show, or from San Diego Comic-Con and you don't see it above... shoot me an email, and I'll include it in a future post!
October 17, 2015
So Cal Comic Con!
I really need to update this thing more often, especially since it's the "hub" of my digital footprint... for now.
Anyway, uhm... TOMORROW, Sunday, Oct 18th from 10am-5pm, I'll be exhibiting at SO CAL COMIC CON, in Oceanside, CA! It's a smaller show, but it's been growing steadily over the last 6 years, and the exciting part, is it's in my hometown! So if you're in the area, or can get to it, by all means come out and see me! Or come see Guest of Honor, ROB LIEFELD (creator of DEADPOOL, among many things). Or come see Special Guest GEORGE PEREZ (a living legenary artist of too many things to count, but a LOT of classic Marvel titles... INFINITY GAUNTLET to name ONE). Or come see KEVIN EASTMAN (co-creator of the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES).
And again... I'll be there too!
I'll have all the things I had available at San Diego Comic-Con International, as well as a BRAND NEW PRINT, that will be making it's debut tomorrow at So Cal Comic Con.
See you there!
Comic-Con International,
George Perez,
San Diego Comic-Con,
So Cal Comic Con,
Star Wars,
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
July 13, 2015
Batmax 2.0, now wearable!
Just got back from the Comic-Con... I'll be posting an update about my experience, and some pics of some of the artwork made while there in a later post (have to go through all the pics!).
Right now, however, I'm posting to announce that the most successful print from the Comic-Con is now WEARABLE as a t-shirt, tank, hoodie, or crewneck. From my TeePublic store! This is also the first design I've made available as a print that you can order from the TeePublic store as well. It can be ordered anywhere from a 9"x9" paper print, to a 30"x30" print on CANVAS! I have no idea why all the sizes are square... but, it'll do until I open my own online store... COMING SOON!
Right now, however, I'm posting to announce that the most successful print from the Comic-Con is now WEARABLE as a t-shirt, tank, hoodie, or crewneck. From my TeePublic store! This is also the first design I've made available as a print that you can order from the TeePublic store as well. It can be ordered anywhere from a 9"x9" paper print, to a 30"x30" print on CANVAS! I have no idea why all the sizes are square... but, it'll do until I open my own online store... COMING SOON!
big hero 6,
big hero six,
DC Comics,
hiro hamada,
July 6, 2015
Okay, so it's not "news" that I'm attending San Diego Comic-Con International... However, it is NEW that I'm going... AS AN EXHIBITOR! On May 12th, I received an email informing me how to access the Comic-Con exhibitor website, and related things. I got really confused, because in January they sent a letter informing me that I was put on a "Wait List" (which in previous years, I've come to realize is the same thing as a 'polite no'). But sure enough, I clicked on the various links in the email and found myself staring at my name... ON THE LIST OF ARTIST ALLEY EXHIBITORS!
Comic-Con is a couple days away, and in the span of less than 2 months, I compiled some art (mostly some of my older stuff, cuz time was limited on being able to make new stuff, though I did make some new stuff), found a printer, got some prints made. I even managed to assemble a mini-comic with a writer I partnered with at Comic-Con last year. It's insane how far I've come in just the span of a year.
Comic-Con is a couple days away, and in the span of less than 2 months, I compiled some art (mostly some of my older stuff, cuz time was limited on being able to make new stuff, though I did make some new stuff), found a printer, got some prints made. I even managed to assemble a mini-comic with a writer I partnered with at Comic-Con last year. It's insane how far I've come in just the span of a year.
March 17, 2015
So, I need to upgrade my art tools...
Hello anybody that actually reads my blog! Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy trying to get some affairs in order in my life, so some of the bigger projects that I usually post here, have not been able to get the attention they deserve.
However, if you're aching to see some more art by me, you can always check out my Facebook page. All of the art is "Public" so you don't even have to friend me to check it out! New this year, I'm trying to do a "Daily Doodle" each day. I didn't want to clutter up the art blog with those, so those are being posted directly to my Facebook. You can check out all the daily doodles RIGHT HERE (and again, we don't have to be "Facebook Friends" for you to see it!).
As for this post, I've decided, I really need to get myself a Cintiq drawing tablet. I want to compete in the professional world, and this tool would be INVALUABLE in helping me be able to produce art quicker and faster, which means MORE ART, MORE OFTEN! However, I'm a poor fellow, so saving up my pennies for one is NOT going to be an easy challenge, so I'm turning it over to... CROWD-SOURCE FUNDING! I have a page set up on GoFundMe, where you can donate to my cause!
What's that? You don't want to just hand me money? You think I'm BEGGING? Well FINE! I've got you covered on that base too! I offer REWARDS for donations of certain amounts. If you give me some money, I'll give you some art! Then I'll take your money and buy my Cintiq! HA! Whose laughing NOW!!?!?!?!?!?? Everybody wins! Click the picture of the Cintiq at the top of this post to donate! Every dollar helps!
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